Sunday Services
In Person at 10:00 Online
Meeting ID: 751 897 279, Password: 422299
Phone in: 647 558 0588, then put in Meeting ID: 751 897 279, Password: 422299
There is a lot happening at NGUC

Games NIght
Friday, Feb 28!

North Gower United Church is a small but mighty congregation who are full of energy and love for this institution, this community, and the Lord our God. We join in friendship and faith each Sunday and at various other times to support each other and our neighbours both near and far.
Discover the power of prayer, action, and community. Join us!

Bible Study
Bible Study: All are welcome, whether you can come once a week or drop in once in awhile to this interesting, informative, and very supportive group. Online only, second and fourth Wednesdays of the month from 7-8:30. Contact Dianne Peddle if you are interested and she will send you the zoom link.
Church Business, News and Community Events
How to Access Previous NGUC Sermons: Subscribe to our YouTube channel:
Coverage for Pastoral Emergencies (including funerals):
February: Rev. Paul Whynacht of Manotick United Church. Contact Rev. Paul at 613-618-7224.
Annual Reports: If you are a chair of a committee, please send your annual report to Michelle Crogie ( by January 26th.
Annual General Meeting: Will be held on February 9th after a shortened church service. We will be looking at what’s in the works for the church for this year and there will be a congregational vote on the Annual Budget. All are welcome. We will have a soup lunch right after the meeting.
Extra Prayers: If you or someone you know needs extra prayers, the Bible Study group, which is also a Prayer Group, will pray. They meet the 2nd and 4th Wednesday of each month, but individuals in the Prayer Group will also pray at other times. Please contact Dianne Peddle with your prayer request.
Milk Bags for Mats: The Holy Trinity Anglican church is making mats from milk bags. Please bring your milk bags (the outer bag, not the transparent bags that hold the milk), to Geraldine who will take them to the Anglican Church. Can’t find Geraldine? Just leave them at the back of the church.
North Gower United Donating:
Jody always welcomes a cheerful giver, and she is great at exploring ways that work for you to donate to the church if you wish. For instance…
You can mail Jody post-dated cheques.
You can also donate through the non-profit site CanadaHelps online if you go to the North Gower United Church Website. There is a 4% fee for this.
The easiest thing to do is to use PAR (Pre-Authorized Remittance- it comes out of your bank account). I believe there is a 50 cent fee per transaction. If you want to go this route, Jody can walk you through this process. Jody Leclair

Pray for Ukraine
If your heart and compassion is in your praying, each prayer makes a difference, no matter how long or how short. If you want to know what’s happening to support Ukraine, check out this link: This link includes things like a Ukrainian Relief Fundraising Lunch, how to help refugees come to Canada, and links for monetary donations.
Your support and prayers make a big difference. Thank you!

Sunday Services
If you want to see a previous sermon, many of them are uploaded on a YouTube channel. Click on the link (below) for all the sermons that have been uploaded so far. Note that there will likely be more sermons there than you see on the screen. (On my computer, there’s an arrow at the right end of the far right sermon, though different devices may have this arrow in different places. If you click on the arrow, the screen will show more sermons).
DID YOU KNOW? You can subscribe to our YouTube channel and be informed immediately when we upload new videos! Click here for previous sermons and/or to subscribe: